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The college convens a exchange meeting with the Construction University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Author: Figure/Feng Simin、Li Jienawen/Xia Yao Audit/Feng Jinfeng Final Audit/Lu Sheng General    Source: Party Committee Propaganda Department    Release time: May 09, 2024    Click Number:

To strengthen education with Education with ASEAN countries,Continue to 20bet mobile app improve the level of internationalization of the college,May 9,The college convens a exchange meeting with the Construction University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia。Deputy Dean of the College Chen Ningchun、Vice President Chen Zhihui, Vice President of the Construction University of Kuala Lumpur attended the meeting,Relevant personnel of the China Liaison Office of the China Liaison Office and our Academic Affairs Office of Kuala Lumpur attended the meeting。


(At the site of the exchange)

On the exchange meeting,Vice President Chen Ningchun first expressed a warm welcome to Vice President Chen Zhihui and his party,also introduced the history of our school's school running and the achievements 20Bet app Android in recent years。He said,In recent years, the college has developed a series of management systems for foreign cooperation and exchanges、Cooperation with large state -owned enterprises、Carry out professional international certification、Developing international curriculum resources and other measures actively promote education to the outside world,20bet mobile app improve the level of internationalization。I hope that the two parties will learn from teachers and students、Course cooperation、Scientific research cooperation、Short -term training and other fields actively cooperate,For the next step of the two parties、Multi -layered、Multi -form 20Bet Online Sports Betting communication and cooperation lay a good foundation。

Vice President Chen Zhihui, Vice President of the Construction University of Kuala Lumpur, introduced the school's school history、Campus construction、Discipline Construction、international cooperation and other aspects。Subsequent,Vice President Chen Zhihui and his party visited the college's grain, oil, and intelligent intelligent intelligent storage training center、Library、Grain Culture Museum and other places。




(Visit College)

Next,Both parties will carry out extensive cooperation and exchanges in more aspects,Improve the quality of international talent training for our hospital、The level of internationalization and international influence opens up new ways。